Jboss -6
- For creating the data source for the Postgres data base, need to copy the required jdbc connector jar file to jboss-6.1.0.Final\server\default\lib folder, other wise it would failed to find driver class.
Jboss -7
- For creating the data source for the Postgres data base, need to copy the required jdbc connector jar file to jboss-as-web-7.0.2.Final\standalone\deployments folder, during the server start up it deploy the jar file & populate the driver class while creating the data source.
- JBoss 6 not supports the restfull web services (Jersy).(Throughing the many errors while deploying)
- JBoss 6 supports JAX-WS(Sun Ms.) webservces with annotations is supporting.
- JBoss 7 not supports the JAX-WS(Sun Ms.) webservces with annotations is supporting.
- JBoss 7 supports Apache CXF webservces.
Above points to be updated....