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Spring Interview Questions
Struts interview Questions - Click Here
Spring Interview Questions
---------- BT D & T --------
Physical Connection: Connections get usiframeng the driver manager
Logical/Pooled Conntions: Connection get using the pooled connections.
2. What is JNDI ?
3. What are the components of Spring MVC?
---------- E & Y --------
1. What is portable narrow object purpose in EJB in detail?
2. What is need of EJB?
3. What is activity & state diagram, explain with real scenario.
---------- CB --------
1. What is purpose of java exposing Comparator & Comparable ?
4. Why to preferring using EJb over Spring?
5. DI can be done using the two ways which one is preferred?
6. How AOP works in Spring framework?
7. What are generics & Generic class in Java?
8. What is advantages of EJB?
9. Finding Missing number in series of numbers.
10. How Servlet handle the multiple request at same time?
11. In hibernate - What is difference between Entity & Component?
12. In hibernate - How to implement the many - many relation.
13. Does Struts supports multiple configuration files & overriding Action Servlet?
14. What mechanism used in web services to convert xml data to java objects?
1. What is advantages of DI?
2. Why RESTfull webservices preferable & in-contest of Android Applications?
3. How to implement single web service respond two output response messages(First for processing status & 2nd for actual response)?
1. In Hibernate- how 2nd level cache synchronises change in database contents through other application?
2. What are abstractions in Hibernate?
3. What is basic difference between Arrays & collection other than dynamic initialization?
4. What is factory & Abstract Factory?
5. What is purpose of finally even if you catch the toplevel Exception in catch block?
6. What is complex type in webservices in contest of WSDL?
7. Difference between String Literal Vs String new operator?
8. Java method throws & catches the same exception, when exception occurs what will happen?
9. Final, Finally & Finalise in Java
10. What is purpose of the request per session in Hibernate?
11. What is Complex in web service wsdl?
12. How hibernate connects two data bases simultaneously?
1. What is inverse in Spring (Not IOC)?
2. What is port in webservice context?
3. What is Spring?
4. Ways of doing IOC in Spring?
5. Session Bean lifestyle & Structs Architecture?
6. Generics in Java?
1. Encapsulation - Purpose of setter & Gettes?
2. Difference bett. in ArrayList & LinkedList?
3. What is week HashMap ?
4. What are different levels of cache in hibernate?
5. What will happen try to clone the singleton class?
6. How to do bulk updates in hibernate?
7. What are bean scopes in Spring? & Explain more about the session scope?
1. How to design system for withdraw/deposit amount from bank through single channel?
2. What is composite patters in java?
3. How to handle the exception in Webservices & WSDL definition?
4. Is webservices need end point?
5. Explain one-to-many association & criteria in Hibernate?
6. Advantages of Hibernate?
7. How to maintain your own connection pool?
8. How to get the data base data even if you are using the both level cache?
9. Draw domain model for for student, courses, departments, teachers & grades senario?
10 Draw activity diagram for Gmail site?
-------------------------Crest Media ----------------------
1. Spring - Auto wiring types?
2. Spring AOP implementation annotations ?
3. Hibernate - Implementing the 2nd level cache?
4. Hibernate - Implementing the transactions using JTA.
------------------------- Barclays ----------------------
1. What are different ways of implementing the SSL?
------------------------- Opus Chennai ----------------------
1. How to handle the web service security?
2. What happen to transaction if EJB thrown custom runtime exception?
--------------------Equinix -----------
---------- E & Y --------
1. What is portable narrow object purpose in EJB in detail?
2. What is need of EJB?
3. What is activity & state diagram, explain with real scenario.
---------- CB --------
1. What is purpose of java exposing Comparator & Comparable ?
2. OOPS Concepts - Cohesion & Coupling?
3. How to integration of other components (functionality) with Struts framework4. Why to preferring using EJb over Spring?
5. DI can be done using the two ways which one is preferred?
6. How AOP works in Spring framework?
7. What are generics & Generic class in Java?
8. What is advantages of EJB?
9. Finding Missing number in series of numbers.
METHOD 1(Use sum formula)
1. Get the sum of numbers
total = n*(n+1)/2
2 Subtract all the numbers from sum and
you will get the missing number.
#include<stdio.h> /* getMissingNo takes array and size of array as arguments*/ int getMissingNo ( int a[], int n) { int i, total; total = (n+1)*(n+2)/2; for ( i = 0; i< n; i++) total -= a[i]; return total; } /*program to test above function */ int main() { int a[] = {1,2,4,5,6}; int miss = getMissingNo(a,5); printf ( "%d" , miss); getchar (); } |
10. How Servlet handle the multiple request at same time?
11. In hibernate - What is difference between Entity & Component?
12. In hibernate - How to implement the many - many relation.
13. Does Struts supports multiple configuration files & overriding Action Servlet?
14. What mechanism used in web services to convert xml data to java objects?
1. What is advantages of DI?
2. Why RESTfull webservices preferable & in-contest of Android Applications?
3. How to implement single web service respond two output response messages(First for processing status & 2nd for actual response)?
1. In Hibernate- how 2nd level cache synchronises change in database contents through other application?
2. What are abstractions in Hibernate?
3. What is basic difference between Arrays & collection other than dynamic initialization?
4. What is factory & Abstract Factory?
5. What is purpose of finally even if you catch the toplevel Exception in catch block?
6. What is complex type in webservices in contest of WSDL?
7. Difference between String Literal Vs String new operator?
8. Java method throws & catches the same exception, when exception occurs what will happen?
9. Final, Finally & Finalise in Java
10. What is purpose of the request per session in Hibernate?
11. What is Complex in web service wsdl?
12. How hibernate connects two data bases simultaneously?
1. What is inverse in Spring (Not IOC)?
2. What is port in webservice context?
3. What is Spring?
4. Ways of doing IOC in Spring?
5. Session Bean lifestyle & Structs Architecture?
6. Generics in Java?
1. Encapsulation - Purpose of setter & Gettes?
2. Difference bett. in ArrayList & LinkedList?
3. What is week HashMap ?
4. What are different levels of cache in hibernate?
5. What will happen try to clone the singleton class?
6. How to do bulk updates in hibernate?
7. What are bean scopes in Spring? & Explain more about the session scope?
1. How to design system for withdraw/deposit amount from bank through single channel?
2. What is composite patters in java?
3. How to handle the exception in Webservices & WSDL definition?
4. Is webservices need end point?
5. Explain one-to-many association & criteria in Hibernate?
6. Advantages of Hibernate?
7. How to maintain your own connection pool?
8. How to get the data base data even if you are using the both level cache?
9. Draw domain model for for student, courses, departments, teachers & grades senario?
10 Draw activity diagram for Gmail site?
-------------------------Crest Media ----------------------
1. Spring - Auto wiring types?
2. Spring AOP implementation annotations ?
3. Hibernate - Implementing the 2nd level cache?
4. Hibernate - Implementing the transactions using JTA.
------------------------- Barclays ----------------------
1. What are different ways of implementing the SSL?
------------------------- Opus Chennai ----------------------
1. How to handle the web service security?
2. What happen to transaction if EJB thrown custom runtime exception?
--------------------Equinix -----------
- How do you start new application considering the design/architecture?
- What is different between design and architecture?
- What are technical documents you are used? Structure/Behavior diagrams
- What is composition/aggregation/association? How do you implement Composition?
- Explain your application architecture.
- Reasons for preferring the Wicket over other frameworks.
- Draw Collections Framework class hierarchy?
- What is key feature of Java 6 over Java 5?
- How to add element in middle of double linked list?
- What is Nosql & Node JS?
- What are sorting algorithms used in your application. What sorting logic implemented collection framework?
- What is polymorphism & encapsulation? How to implement encapsulation.
- How implement manage transaction in application?
- What is interceptor and where it is implemented?
- How to find memory leakages application?
- What are design patterns used, expelling singleton, prototype, Façade & Abstract Factory?