Hibernate Without Annotations

In Hibernate frist define ObjectRelationalMapping usoing XML document  .hbm.xml
<hibernate-mapping> is the root element in that.
then map the java class with database table for that the code is.
 <class name="java clas name" table="dbtablename">
primary key in <id> tag.
Automatical Generator value <generator class=" "/>  native,identity,sequence.
Link the java class property to Database columns using <property name="" type="" col="" not-null="true/flase"> tag.

On Start up hibernate looks for a file called hibernate.cfg.xml in root of class path.
in this file wrote the information about dialet,driverclass,connectionurl,username,pwd.
If we set show_sql to true then it will display all executed sql queries on console.
add .hbm.xml file to the configuration.
<hibernate-configuration> is root element. then <session-factory>
<mapping resource=".hbm file>

Hibernateutil helps in creating SessionFactory from Hibernate Configuration File.

The dir structure will be like this...

                 .java file
       jre library
       reference library